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Advantage South West Procurement Portal

You can simply register your company's details using the Advantage South West Procurement Portal to make your products and services more accessible to us and those is the wider Devon and South West regions.

The Portal enables you to view all opportunities offered by Advantage South West. The Portal is linked to a system called ProContract that is a secure hosted electronic tendering system. ProContract provides a user friendly, intuitive system to advertise all open tender and quotation opportunities. It also includes a tender submission wizard to guide suppliers through the submission process.

Advantage South West Procurement Portal/ProContract is free to join for businesses and offers the following advantages:

  • During registration you will be given the opportunity to select categories which align with your business
  • You will automatically receive notification of any opportunities published within the categories selected
  • You can create accounts with multiple users to help you administer your tender interests and responses
  • You are in control of your tender submission and not reliant on a third party courier or postal service
  • Submissions can be completed electronically rather than hand written
  • Submissions can be amended up until the closing date and time

How to register your company

To register your company, visit Advantage South West Procurement Portal click the purple “Register now” button, which will redirect you to a new page welcoming you to ProContract. Then click the green “Register” button located top right.

Once registration is complete, you'll receive a confirmation email and a further two emails notifying you of your username and password.

If you need any help with the registration process, please email or telephone 03300 050352, lines are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm (excluding English bank holidays).

If you require assistance concerning a specific tender opportunity, please use the details within the business opportunity advert to contact the relevant Procurement Officer.

The registration process is broken down into following stages:

This will display the series of stages that are required to complete your registration and the minimum and recommended system requirements. Click on “Continue” (at the bottom of the page). All fields are mandatory unless marked as (optional) next to the heading of the field.

These details will form the basis of your personal user account and be the contact details used linked to any procurement exercise you complete. The email entered here will be used for messages that will be sent confirming registration details, and all other system communications that may take place during the procurement process. It is recommend that a generic email is used, so that communications will not be lost if that person is absent or leaves the company.

Complete all these fields as this provides your company information the buyers.

These details promotes your company to potential buyers.

This is where you select categories associated with your business and regions that your company want to supply to. Your company will receive e-mail notifications of new opportunities that have been published that may be of interest to your company based on your selections.

This is where you need to state if you agree to the ProActis (Host Company of ProContract) Terms and Conditions of using the system and the privacy policy. If you do not agree to these, you will be unable to use the system.

This will provide you with a summary of the details that you have entered and an opportunity to check the information before clicking the green “Submit Registration” button.

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