Annual work programme
We are required to carry out the following core units annually:
- Council Tax and National Non-Domestic Rates (Business Rates)
- Income and Cash Collection
- Main Accounting System
- Housing Benefits
- Creditors
- Housing Rents
- Treasury and Cash Flow Management
- Payroll
- Recovery
- Car Park Income / Trade Waste (alternate years)
- ICT Core
Systems audit reviews are carried out over a rolling four-year programme. The audit reviews planned for 2015/2016 are:
- Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas
- Grants, Subscriptions & donations
- Vehicles & Fuel (including inventory & maintenance)
- Emergency Planning
- Legal Services
- Leisure (Culm Valley)
- Refuse & Recycling (2 yearly)
- Recruitment, Selection and Job Evaluation
- Electronic payments/online forms
- Information Security (2 yearly)
- Appraisals and Training
- Freedom of Information
- Gifts & Hospitality/Register of Interests (annual)
- Corporate Health & Safety including Homeworking/Loneworking (2yrs)
- Insurance/VAT
- Private Sector Housing
- Procurement/Contracts
- Stores
- Voids
- Cemeteries & Bereavement Services
- Service Charges
Summary reports for these audit reviews will go to the Audit Committee.