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Exeter Housing Market Area HELAA Methodology (April 2017) (Now superseded)

Exeter Housing Market Area SHLAA Methodology (February 2015) (Now superseded)

Exeter Housing Market Area SHLAA Methodology (September 2013) (Now superseded)


SHLAA Site Assessment 2013


All the sites submitted as part of the 'call for sites' in the summer of 2013 were subject to an appraisal. The appraisals were put together based on the information supplied by the site promoter; a site visit was conducted by a planning officer and desk-based assessment of known constraints. Sites were grouped together depending on their geographical location within the district.


Each site appraisal was assessed by a panel of housing industry experts who formed the SHLAA panel. The SHLAA panel signed off the report which details the findings of the assessment process. The SHLAA Report and SHLAA Site Appraisals can be found below (please see appendix 3 of the SHLAA Report for comments relating to submitted sites).


SHLAA Report (2013)

SHLAA Appraisals, central area

SHLAA Appraisals, east area

SHLAA Appraisals, west area


SHLAA Site Assessment 2014


The SHLAA assessment is one piece of evidence which was used to inform the choice of potential sites in the Local Plan Review: Options Consultation. From this consultation, further potential housing sites were submitted. These sites were assessed using the same process described above and were taken to further SHLAA panel meetings for assessments. In addition a working list of initial preferred sites was also reappraised by the panel.  The following minutes set out the SHLAA assessment of each of these sites.  The appraisals for all sites considered in 2014 are also below.


SHLAA panel minutes - May 2014

SHLAA panel minutes - June 2014

SHLAA Site Appraisals 2014 (new, larger & reconsidered sites)

SHLAA Site Appraisals 2014 (preferred sites working list - town sites)

SHLAA Site Appraisals 2014 (preferred sites working list - rural sites)


Please note the SHLAA process is a technical exercise and does not allocate sites for development, nor indicate that planning permission will be granted.

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