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Cullompton Relief Road Funding Secured!

Funding to enable delivery of the Cullompton Town Centre Relief Road has been successfully secured! Completion of the road is forecast for 2028. ⏳ 

Adopted Local Plan available to buy

While the adopted Local Plan is available to download for free, if you would like to have your own paper copy, they are available to buy for £18. To buy one, you will need to call our Customer Services team on 01884 255 255 and ask for a copy of the ‘Local Plan’. You will be asked to provide your name, address and payment details. A copy of the document will then be posted to you.

Planning policy

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What we are doing

How we're helping guide development in Mid Devon.

Plan Mid Devon

Latest information on the next Local Plan Review.

Local Development Scheme

Sets out a timetable for the preparation of Development Plan Documents

Joint Strategy 'Our Shared Coordinates'

A strategy for the sub region of Mid Devon, Teignbridge, Exeter and East Devon.

Adopted Local Plan and Policies Maps

The Mid Devon Local Plan Review was adopted on 29 July 2020. Full details on the adopted plan and policies map can be found here.

Supplementary Planning Documents

Sets out supplementary information in support of the adopted Local Plan.

Non-Statutory Interim Planning Policy Statement: Climate Emergency

An interim Planning Policy Statement to help new development meet the challenges of a changing climate.

Neighbourhood planning

An approach to planning which aims to give people more say about what goes on in their local area

Statement of Community Involvement

Sets out our policy on public consultation and participation

Growth, Economy and Delivery

Information and contact details of the team leading Masterplans, Culm Garden Village and Cullompton Railway Station.

Mid Devon Local Housing Needs Assessment

Technical assessment of the different types, sizes and tenures of homes needed by local people.

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment

Identifies sites with the potential for development.

Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding

Register your interest if you are considering building your own home

Brownfield Land Register

Holds details of previously developed sites in the district considered suitable for housing-led development.


Regular and systematic collection and analysis of information

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Notice of withdrawal of Draft Charging Schedule

Mid Devon Playing Pitch Strategy

Recommendations for playing pitch provision.

Local Plan History

Information about the previously adopted Local Plan and the work leading up to the adoption of the Mid Devon Local Plan Review, including the Examination.