Community safety
Anti-social behaviour
Working with the police and other agencies to reduce harassment, alarm and distress, nuisance and annoyance
Community Safety Partnership
Working to reduce crime, disorder and the fear of crime for a safer environment across East and Mid Devon
Find out about the joint work we do with the police and other agencies to tackle anti-social behaviour and how to report incidents
Domestic abuse and sexual violence
Help and advice for those experiencing domestic abuse and sexual violence
Help and support
Contact details for agencies offering help and support for substance misuse and the victims of crime
Hoarding can be described as collecting and being unable to discard of excessive quantities of goods or objects.
Modern Slavery
Definitions of Modern Slavery and signposting for help and information
Prevent is part of the Government’s counter terrorism strategy.
Safeguarding is about protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse or neglect.
Safety Advisory Group
Advice for anyone planning an event